• Orienda Polyclinic

    and maternity

    Achieve Goals Together!

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  • Our obstetric service serves families during pregnancy, birth and the time shortly after the birth. At Orienda, we have all sorts of delivery under control. Whether, it is natural or cesarean delivery, our experienced local and international obstetrician can ensure international standard maternity service.
  • Expecting mothers should contact us in early stage of pregnancy to receive comprehensive pregnancy care, medical check-up and other necessary tests, from pregnancy to delivery, which include:
  • Antenatal care provided by an obstetrician
  • State-of-the-art technology for monitoring pregnancy and development of the fetus
  • Antenatal class to help you prepare for motherhood
  • Advices on nutrition and appropriate exercises during pregnancy
  • Private delivery room with medical supervision and special equipment for delivery
  • 24-hour supervision by an anesthesiologist in the delivery room
  • Postnatal care including assistance and advice on breastfeeding
  • Visit us today or send us your inquiry to kick-start your pregnancy care service with Orienda.

Our Branches

Visit Our Branch Near You

Orienda Polyclinic

#9A, St466, SangkatTonle Bassak, Khan Chamka mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Orienda International Hospital

#66, Street 31cc, Steung Mean Chey district, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh